Buying and selling railway sleepers
On you can buy and sell railway sleepers in various designs - often second-hand. Used sleepers offer a cost-effective and sustainable solution for track construction projects. You will always find more information about the product in the offer - and of course more details about its condition. Whether concrete sleepers, wooden sleepers or modern plastic sleepers - on our marketplace you will find a wide range of options that are suitable for all types of railway systems.
Different types of sleepers and their areas of application
Railway sleepers in various shapes and materials are used in track construction, depending on the requirements of the track section and load. Common designs include cross sleepers, which are laid at right angles to the rail and normally connect the two rails of a track, and long sleepers, which create a longer connection and are mainly used in switch areas or on bridges. Today, modern sleepers are often made of prestressed concrete, such as types B70 and B90 - common standards that are used in particular on busy main lines and high-speed tracks due to their high stability and long service life. Traditional wooden sleepers have played a major role in track construction since the 19th century and offer good damping due to their elasticity. Today, however, they have largely been replaced by steel sleepers and concrete sleepers. Steel sleepers, which became popular from the 1950s onwards, offer less damping, but are more robust and require less maintenance. A current trend is plastic sleepers, which are often made from recycled material and are particularly resistant to weathering and rotting - properties that make them particularly suitable for damp or changing climatic conditions.
At you will find sleepers from a wide range of providers. You can buy from them sustainably and conveniently by direct purchase or via an auction.
Would you like to sell sleepers yourself? With pleasure! Then take a look here: Selling on

Special sleeper types and manufacturers in track construction
Some sleeper types are specially developed for specific requirements. Y-steel sleepers, for example, offer increased lateral stability and reduce vibrations, which is particularly advantageous on winding tracks and at high speeds. Single-block and double-block sleepers are also used in various applications: Single-block sleepers are often used in high-speed applications, while double-block sleepers, which are equipped with a rigid connection between the blocks, enable high stability in ballasted tracks and can adapt well to changes in position in the track.
Well-known sleeper manufacturers, especially in Germany, include PCM RAILONE AG or Leonhard Moll Betonwerke for high-quality concrete sleepers and the like, while Lankhorst develops maintenance-free plastic sleepers that are particularly sustainable and resource-saving. In addition to sleeper types, you will also regularly find important track construction components such as ribbed plates and other rail fasteners on, which ensure that sleepers and rails are securely and stably connected - a crucial basis for the longevity and safety of railway systems. So take a look at the rails & tracks category or use our search function.